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Re: binaries into deb's [newbie]

Hi kevin,

On Sun, 15 Sep 2002 the mental interface of 
Kevin Coyner told:

> I recently moved from RH and SuSE over to Debian, and wished I would
> have done it sooner.  The whole distro is nice, but in particular
> apt-get is great.
> So far I've only installed standard tools/utilities/programs readily
> available via apt-get and stable/testing.  I'd like to avoid unstable if
> possible.
> Question:  how do I maintain the robustness of apt-get yet be able to
> download binaries and patches and compile them myself?  
> Example:  I use and love Mutt.  Testing has v1.4, which I've apt-get
> installed, but I'd like to recompile it with a few patches that I like.
> But if I do the compiling, make and make install myself, then I lose the
> ability to track it in apt-get.  

Thereis one possibility out of much:

Get mutt-sources from mutt.org. Patch them as you want to. Do a
normal configure (you must decide which options), make and
checkinstall instead of install.

see apt-cache show checkinstall


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