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Re: Python

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 04:50:14PM +1200, James Hook wrote:
| G'Day,
| Im having dependacy problems, I want to install a package whicj requires
| Python2.1, but when I install Python2.1 a whole bunch of packages require
| python-base which Python2.1 required me to remove due to conflict.

If you are using potato, upgrade.  You should install "python1.5" if
you need the (very) old version of python.  I don't think any packages
are left in woody that depend on "python-base" -- that package name is
not used anymore.  The python organization has been reworked since
potato's release to allow for multiple simultaneous pythons to be
installed.  The old organization didn't allow for that.  That is why
old packages will break if you don't upgrade to woody.

| Shouldnt python2.1 provide python-base?


| Is it possible to overide the apt package lists with my own, so I can say
| Python2.1 provices python-base?

You could build your own package with a deformed control file, but
don't complain later if dependencies are wacked and apt misbehaves
(because you told it to).



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