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Re: scripting

also sprach jeff <jmr71769@earthlink.net> [2002.04.15.1144 +0200]:
> 3) open your browser, and have it open your newly created html file

you are aware that this is not a complete HTML file and that it only
displays in browsers nicely because HTML is so badly used at times
that browsers have to be very forgiving and don't care if it's not
according to the specs. but i guess it works, so that counts...

> and, once again, i'd like to thank the debian list for being very cool.
> strange, because i've heard this place can get nasty...and yet i've
> learned more here in about a month than i have with windows in 3
> years...

put a number of folks that are as smart as most on this list, and who
are geeks and talkative, and you are guaranteed a quality quarrel ;)

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a nce jb in th prgrmng indstry

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