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Re: scripting

> Jeff, perhaps you are kindly willing to consider that it's a good idea 
> to post the answers to the list, so that other readers can also benefit 
> from it.
> Just an opinion.
> -- 
> Daniel Toffetti     ---     'There is no spoon...' - The Matrix
> Running the bleeding edge Debian Sid version 3.0
> Linux luni 2.4.13 #1 SMP Sun Oct 28 18:30:53 ART 2001 i686 unknown

i would be more than happy to post my findings...

mind you, what i'm about to write may not be 100% accurate...being a
'junior' sys admin and all...

in the previous mail, i was asking about some simple


to redirect the output of the 'dpkg -l' command to a single formatted
html file using piped commands.


1) execute the 'dpkg -l' command just to see what you get - a listing of
all the current packages installed on your system

2) now, using the same command, we will pipe it to sed (a Stream Editor
- man sed)

dpkg -l | sed -e 's/$/<br>/ > dpkg.html

or, using perl (man perl):

dpkg -l | perl -e 'while(<>) { s/$/<br>/ && print }' > dpkg.html

notice in both commands the included html <br> tag. i wanted the tag to
appear at the end of every description and look somewhat presentable on
a web page...

3) open your browser, and have it open your newly created html file

all i wanted to do here was become more acquainted with the 'power
tools' aspect of linux...i've trudged my way through installing and
getting my hardware to work several times now...so now i want to move on
to the important stuff...perl, sed, awk, bash, etc.

and, i just got my hands on a nice ruby book...from the wonderful world
of o'reilly...ruby in a nutshell...it's only a reference - i don't know
diddley about the language but i've heard nothing but good stuff.

tom gilbert at linuxbrit has a ruby bot that he created for irc...and i
have yet to figure it out: http://linuxbrit.co.uk/rbot/

and, once again, i'd like to thank the debian list for being very cool.
strange, because i've heard this place can get nasty...and yet i've
learned more here in about a month than i have with windows in 3

TIA as always and scripting/programming is what linux is for...i have
seen the light...


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