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Re: Bad disk?

On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 02:19:15AM +0800, csj wrote:
| I'm having trouble with a new 60GB MAXTOR 4K060H3. The disk is
| temporarily installed as /dev/hdb so I can copy over some files from
| what hopefully will be my old disk. Can somebody interpret the error
| messages below? Is the disk bad or is the problem something else (cable,
| controller, etc)?

Does your disk have enough power?  I had "problems" with a Maxtor disk
about a year ago (a 2-year old disk at the time) and the real problem
was the 110W power supply (Compaq =p) in conjunction with the 5 disks
in the box.

[snip nasty looking error messages]

| Also, does anybody know of a Linux-based utility that can detect disk
| errors (say, bad blocks) in terms lucid enough for a Windows tech person
| to understand (say, a clone of Norton Disk Doctor)? In case my disk is
| really bad, I'll need diagnostic proof to assert my need for a
| merchandise replacement.

Dig around on Maxtor's site.  They have a DOS program (run from a
floppy) to check the disk.  They require output from it to process
warranty claims.  (at least, their website says so)  Backup everything
you want to keep first.  When I tried it, I unplugged everything but
the maxtor disk and got a "factory certified error free" message, but
(knowingly) wiped all data from it in the process.  I never did
contact them because building a new machine with a real power supply
fixed the problem :-).


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