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Re: OT: vm vs mutt (was Re: Someone tell me the secret of mutt)

Lo, on Friday, April 12, Craig Duncan did write:

> I just recently dumped Netscape mail in favor of vm (in emacs).  I'm a
> _long_ time emacs user and although i've heard a lot of good things
> about mutt, when i was trying to figure out what to replace Netscape
> mail with, i decided upon vm because i'd also heard good things about
> it and i could see a lot of benefits from reading my mail from within
> emacs where i have available all the editing capabilities that i've
> spent so many years mastering.

Same reason I switched -- 6 years ago.  (See X-Mailer header.)

> So i've been using vm for a few weeks and . . . it's not bad.  The
> benefits because of the vm/emacs connection are definitely valid.  But
> i'd probably give vm itself only a B.  I'm sure there's a lot more i
> can do in terms of customizing it (i _hate_ the fact that i can't
> delete a message until it's been "opened" ... which when its an html
> message is _way_ too slow, because it insists on rendering the html
> before it will make that message the current message so that it can
> then be deleted).

You can disable HTML rendering by default, and farm it out to a real web
browser (w3 doesn't work very well under my setup; it gets the colors
all wrong and illegible).  Stick the following in .vm:

(add-to-list 'vm-mime-internal-content-type-exceptions '("text/html"))
(add-to-list 'vm-mime-external-content-types-alist 
   '(("text/html" "netscape -remote 'openFILE(%f)' || netscape %f")))

Replace the last string with whatever browser invocation you like.  (I
really ought to get around to replacing mine with a call to galeon.)

With the above, you'll get a `button' for HTML content or attachments;
when you middle-click on it, it'll fire up your browser.  One annoying
thing, at least with VM 6: if the click actually starts the browser as
opposed to using an existing instance, when you move off that message,
it kills netscape.  :-(

> One last thing.  With vm, yesterday, it progressively became unable to
> get mail from my ISP's pop server (unknown name or service error).  It
> failed sporadically, then finally ceased to be able to retrieve mail
> at all (error occurring every attempt).  I even called up my ISP but
> what fixed it was _restarting_ emacs.  Ahhhh!

Odd.  I use fetchmail/procmail to do some fairly complicated filtering;
VM gets mail out of a local spool.  Perhaps you'll have better luck with
that.  (If you're interested, I'll send you my .vm in a private

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