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OT: vm vs mutt (was Re: Someone tell me the secret of mutt)

David Turetsky writes:

 > Mutt is great. Read enough of the handbook or info to get started, then
 > add to your knowledge as situations require. I started using it a year
 > or two ago and find it a real treat
 > -- 
 > David

I just recently dumped Netscape mail in favor of vm (in emacs).  I'm a
_long_ time emacs user and although i've heard a lot of good things
about mutt, when i was trying to figure out what to replace Netscape
mail with, i decided upon vm because i'd also heard good things about
it and i could see a lot of benefits from reading my mail from within
emacs where i have available all the editing capabilities that i've
spent so many years mastering.

So i've been using vm for a few weeks and . . . it's not bad.  The
benefits because of the vm/emacs connection are definitely valid.  But
i'd probably give vm itself only a B.  I'm sure there's a lot more i
can do in terms of customizing it (i _hate_ the fact that i can't
delete a message until it's been "opened" ... which when its an html
message is _way_ too slow, because it insists on rendering the html
before it will make that message the current message so that it can
then be deleted).  The slowness of its rendering of html is a big
strike against it, i guess (any part of vm coded in elisp probably
isn't going to win any prizes for speed) , although text-only is
pretty much all i need or want (just unsubscribed from an mp3 user
group because over half the traffic was either html, gibberish to my
mailer or both... and that without ever complaining to anyone about
it... construe that for good or ill as you will).

So, i'm wondering if anyone has any experience with mutt and vm on
which to base a comparison.  My reticence in not trying mutt earlier
is the idea that i have to then go _into_ an editor to do stuff that i
frequently do (not only reply but also snip bits and pieces out for
saving).  My editor is emacs.  I don't want to use anything else and i
can't quite comprehend how mutt and emacs could integrate very well.

One last thing.  With vm, yesterday, it progressively became unable to
get mail from my ISP's pop server (unknown name or service error).  It
failed sporadically, then finally ceased to be able to retrieve mail
at all (error occurring every attempt).  I even called up my ISP but
what fixed it was _restarting_ emacs.  Ahhhh!

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