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How to get onboard sound (VT8233) to work?

Below I quoted a message I found in the archives. It pretty much states my 
problem: VIA supplies drivers for this onboard soundchip (which is on many, 
if not all, of the motherboards with the VIA Apollo KT266A chipset) for 
several distros (Caldera, RedHat, Suse, Mandrake), but not for Debian. I  
couldn't get the redhat packages to work and now I'm kind of stuck.

Does anyone know a solution besides: "Create the debian package yourself'?


Did anybody get the VIA VT8233 sound chip to work (on woody)? I have tried 
abaout everything I can think of without success. The strange thing is that 
the modules can be installed and some of the sound applications work as if 
everything were fine, but there is just no sound. The mixer programs don't 
work though. amixer says

The ALSA sound driver was not detected in this system.

although the driver *is* installed.

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