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Re: LAN IPv6 global connectivity HOWTO


	The only comment I woudl make on your howto is in section 6.2
"Setting up the router's LAN interface" you appear to be trying to setup
an EUI-64 address that other machines on your LAN will build on their
own if autoconf is enabled... However your construction of the EUI-64 is
off a bit...

	If you have the prfeix 3ffe:b80:17e2::/48 and the MAC of your
ethernet is 00:10:5A:66:DC:33 then your EUI-64 based IPv6 address would
be 3ffe:b80:17e2::210:5aff:fe66:dc33 not
3ffe:b80:17e2:fffe::10:5a66:dc33... This is generated by taking the
first three octet of the EUI-64 generated from the first three octests 
of the MAC (00:10:5A), followed by forth and fifth octets of the EUI-64
address as FFFE, followed by the last three octets of the EUI-64 filled
in by the forth, fifth and sixth octets of the MAC address thus giving
you 0010:5AFF:FE66:DC33 or shortened to 10:5AFF:FE66:DC33... Finally to
set the "Universal/Local" (U/L) bit you set the lowest order bit in the
first octet (00 is the first octet in your example) from 0 to 1 for a
globally unique IPv6 interface identifer which gives you your first
octet as 02 giving you 210:5AFF:FE66:DC33 for your EUI-64 interface...

	If you have ipv6calc installed on your computer you can verify
this by the following:

undrgrid@tank:~$ ipv6calc -i 3ffe:b80:17e2::210:5aff:fe66:dc33
Address type:  unicast 6bone
Address type has SLA: 0000
Interface identifier: 0210:5aff:fe66:dc33
Interface identifier is an EUI-64 generated from EUI-48 (MAC):
	00:10:5a:66:dc:33 MAC is a global unique one

undrgrid@tank:~$ ipv6calc -i 3ffe:b80:17e2:fffe::10:5a66:dc33   
Address type:  unicast 6bone
Address type has SLA: fffe
Interface identifier: 0000:0010:5a66:dc33
Interface identifier is probably manual set or based on a local EUI-64

	Now if you wanted to subnet this the the :: between the
prefix and the EUI-64 interface identifer could be changed to
whatever subnet you wanted to use... Remembering you only have 16 bits
for subnetting giving you everything from :: to :FFFF: for subnets...

	As well if you use the "template" option of freenet6 client
config (tspc.conf) it can automatically configure your router interface
using <prefix>::1 and configure radvd.conf to broadcast your prefix to
your LAN via router advertisements (RA) thus removing the need to
configure the routers interface at all in /etc/network/interfaces or

	If you have any further questions regarding this feel free to
contact me directly... I currently work as an IPv6 network administrator
for NTT Multimedia Communication Laboratories, Inc in Palo Alto, CA and
run IPv6 both at home using freenet6 and at work...

	Jeremy T. Bouse
On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 05:42:42PM +0100, Jean-Marc V. Liotier wrote:
> Hello, I am a Debian user and I recently set up IPv6 access for my LAN.
> Finding easily accessible documentation targeting the neophyte that I am
> was quite difficult so I decided to document my setup.
> http://www.jipo.org/jim/Jims_LAN_IPv6_global_connectivity_howto.html
> I hope it will be useful to some. I welcome any comments.

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