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Re: ISP does not 'support' Linux

Richard Hector writes:
> Create an XML file format for all the details required:

> DNS servers
> Dialup number
> Authentication type
> etc

> Write a config utility (or modify pppconfig or whatever) to read it, and
> only ask the remaining questions such as username and password.

Make those text files and pppconfig can read them as is.  Package it and
the files on the CD.

In fact, if you include the username, password, and phone number in the
files the user need not run pppconfig at all.  Just install the files and
pon, gpppon, and any other program that uses the standard
/etc/ppp/peers method will just work.

> There might need to be some way of specifying multiple entries with
> descriptions to be displayed by the config program - for example, names
> of cities displayed which can then be mapped to dialup numbers.

It would be trivial to add the ability to accept a ciy name and look up a
phone number.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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