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Re: Update to latest XFree86 -> keyboard misfunctioning

* Lukas Ruf <ruf@rawip.org> [2002-11-27 09:14]:
> I am using a Swiss German keyboard and therefore, I do need to make
> use of AltGr to get the "@" or the pipe.
> Yesterday night, suddendly my computer crashed when removing a PCMCIA
> card.  After rebooting today, the AltGR key has not the required function 
> under X anymore (on console, it works, but not in an xterm or Mozilla
> or whatever tested so far).  

Since the restart of X11/reboot of the station, the German Umlauts do
not function either.  

Any help to solve this issue is greatly acknowledged!

Lukas Ruf
http://www.lpr.ch                                 http://www.maremma.ch    
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