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Woody broken (mozilla-galeon)


I've been making up my personal killer sources.list file and it turned
out to have some issues. Galeon cannot be installed because of some
weird dependency issue with mozilla. Mozilla in turn will no longer
execute, it get's stuck in memory-space.

Someone who can help me out ?



deb ftp://ftp.belnet.be/debian woody main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://ftp.belnet.be/packages/debian/ stable main non-free contrib

deb ftp://ftp.belnet.be/debian woody-proposed-updates main contrib non-free

deb ftp://ftp.skynet.be/debian/ stable main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://ftp.skynet.be/debian/ stable main non-free contrib

deb ftp://ftp.skynet.be/mirror/non-us.debian.org/ woody/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src ftp://ftp.skynet.be/mirror/non-us.debian.org/ woody/non-US main contrib non-free

# Debian Security Updates
deb ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian-security woody/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free

# Blackdown JAVA SDK/Runtime
deb ftp://ftp.easynet.be/blackdown/debian/ woody main non-free

# Gnome2
deb http://people.debian.org/~kov/debian woody gnome2

# KDE 3.0.4 Stable/woody
deb http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/kde/stable/3.0.4/Debian/woody/  ./

# OpenOffice
deb ftp://ftp.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/mirror/ftp.vpn-junkies.de/openoffice/ woody main contrib
deb http://ftp.freenet.de/pub/ftp.vpn-junkies.de/openoffice/ woody main contrib

#deb http://kebo.vlsm.org/debian-extra stable wm-themes kde-themes gtk-themese kylix-support

#deb ftp://debian.cri74.org/debian-cri/dists/potato/contrib_luis_sismeiro/new mydebs main

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