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Adding custom submenus in $HOME/.menu

I've mostly abandoned traditional desktop environments these days (in
particular, since GNOME 2 hit experimental and there were hints that
GNOME 1 would vanish forever).  Right now my desktop machine at home
is using openbox, which seems to work pretty well, isn't ugly, and
provides a way to have "applets" on the "desktop" (by supporting
WindowMaker dock-apps).

I figured it would be a good idea to try to use the Debian menu
infrastructure to add my own items to the root menu.  This works well
for individual items (e.g. Galeon, XTerm, xscreensaver-command -lock,
etc.).  But I also want a submenu with a list of machines I can
connect to remotely.  I have menu items that look like this:

 section="The World"\
 command="ssh watertown.mit.edu"

update-menus runs without complaint, but I never get a "The World"
menu anywhere.  Is this because update-menus is only accepting items
that fit in the blessed Debian menu structure, or am I doing something
wrong?  I'd also like my personal menus to show up in the menu
structure above the Debian system menus; can I do this (maybe with a
special sort function in .menu-methods/openbox)?

David Maze         dmaze@debian.org      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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