Re: "Burn" CD audio to a file
At 11:31 PM 11/25/02 +0000, Pigeon wrote:
>I don't see why this shouldn't work with a loopback-mounted ISO image
>- as per Sean's suggestion - if I understand correctly, the loopback
>mounting system is transparent, so whatever is reading the
>loopback-mounted image sees it as a normal CD drive, and any
>CD-specific ioctls are handled correctly. I haven't actually tried
>this; I'm ashamed to confess I use Cool Edit in Windoze for what
>you're trying to do.
I'd think there would need to be some driver layer for the loopback to
work. After all it has to report back things like "nodisk".
>The quick fudge option would be to burn the music to a CD-RW, and play
>it using the play button on your CD drive, cos your hi-fi's CD player
>won't read CD-RWs (AARGH).
The indicator that it's time for a thread to die is when people start
suggesting to use "foo" when the original question was "how to I do bar
without using foo?"... ;)
I'll report back if I find anything out interesting.
Bill Moseley
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