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some window managers don't read personal menus


Being relatively new debian user, maybe I'm overlooking something but it
still is strange...

After noticing that some changes I make to my personal "~/.menu/*"
doesn't affect nothing I've made a test:
I've put 2 files in my "~/.menu". one is the automated crossover menu
(which adds 2 menus directly in the root debian menu: crossover and
programs) and the other is just a file I've copied from /usr/lib/menu
and changed the command. then I've run update-menus. 

Here are the results:

Sawfish, wmaker, icewm and fvwm2: accept all changes.
xfce, Gnome (panel menu), and afterstep: doesn't accept nothing
uwm: accepts the new menus from the "crossover" file, but doesn't accept
the change I've made to "kedit".

I've checked and the update-manus program created all the menus
correctly, so it's probably the configuration of the individual window
mangers that are to be blamed...

So, here are my questions:
        1. Why the default configuration doesn't prefer my own menus
           over the system's in so many cases?
        2. How do I change these settings in XFce and Gnome? (I saw the
           xfce  error in the archive, but with no answer


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