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PEAR DB::connect doesn't

[please cc any reply to me off-list as I'm not subscribed]

For about a month now my daily-updated testing version of Debian has
been giving me regularly increasing PHP+MySQL grief.

Previous versions of phpnuke and phpwiki installed and worked fine --
current versions, won't, and don't.
Phpnuke gives an error mesage saying: "Redirection limit for this URL
exceeded. Unable to load the requested page."
Phpwiki gives an error message saying: "The document contains no data"
from any link shown on the home page.

Now calling DB::connect from the PEAR library from a php script gives
me: "DB Error: syntax error."

I can't for the life of me figure out why; or what I've done wrong
where; or what permissions are now ill-set, and at what point.
Although all databases exist, and are accessible from the command line
by named dbuser and password, any attempt to set up a connection to them
from a web page using the PEAR library (DB::connect) fails.
Data source name is given in dbytpe://dbuser:dbpassword@dbhost/dbname as
Httpd.conf has the php4 module inclusion uncommented, and aliases right
All new databases have same ownership and permissions as older ones
which _are_ accessible.
Phpmyadmin works, and upgrades without problem (!!??!!)

Any ideas anyone?

[Apache 1.3.26; PHP 4.1.2; MySQL (v.11.18) 3.23.52; PEAR;
 Linux 2.4.19-686; Mozilla5; IceWM 1.2.0]

Confused of Glastonbury
Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler@startext.co.uk                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
GPG pub key : 01269BEB  6CAD BFFB DB11 653E B1B7 C62B  AC93 0ED8 0126 9BEB
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