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Re: no login console ?

    "Sunny" == Sunny Dubey <dubeys@bxscience.edu> writes:

    Sunny> hey ladies How can I have my system not prompt me for a
    Sunny> user name and password when connect to a computer through
    Sunny> serial console ??

    Sunny> Basically, I'd like to be ablet to connect via serial
    Sunny> console, and be given a root prompt first thing.

Read the commented out lines near the bottom of /etc/inittab about
running getty on a serial line.

'man getty' for more information.

RTFM http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Text-Terminal-HOWTO.html for even more

Nope, have not done this in years, but I can't believe it is any
harder than it used to be ;-)


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