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Re: public lending right

I have been discussing this with some UK librarians.

Locally there is an FE College library, a public library and secondary school libraries. All are professionally staffed.

The college library and the public library currently loan CDs. The public library makes a small rental charge similar to the charge for VHS video cassette rental. The college has only specialist audio CDs which are loaned without charge. The only software CDs it loans are those that accompany books. They are inserted into their pockets in a book's back cover when the book is issued. No charge is made. In both libraries the CDs are issued at the counter when the (empty) jewel case or book is presented for issue.

These points came up in initial discussion:

1. 7 CDs would take a long time to check out from and into secure storage.

2. 1 or 2 CDs could be packaged in one- or two-CD jewel case, with a card insert containing basic documentation.

3. Alternatively, the CDs could be packaged in pockets inside the back cover of a booklet. The booklet could consist of downloaded (free) documentation, printed and bound on site.

4. Borrowers would be able to make copies of the CDs before returning them to the library.

These points occur to me:

1. Jewel cases and books stored on library shelves would attract borrowers' attention. In addition, complete set(s) of binary CDs and source CDs could be available on request from the counter. If these were stored in transparent plastic wallets they would be easy and quick to process (no physical handling of individual discs needed).

2. The relevant UK professional association is CILIP (the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals), http://www.cilip.org.uk/ , info@cilip.org.uk . I am a mere Debian user. Perhaps someone more closely involved in the Debian organisation would like to talk to CILIP?

3. What printed documentation might be included with a jewel case? Not much space. Might include - Explanation of 'free' and freedom to install, use, copy, re-distribute, etc.
- Where to obtain complete sets of binaries and source code.
- Where to obtain manuals, HOWTOs, help, etc.
- Other suggestions please?

4. What printed documentation might be included in the form of a booklet?
- Installation Manual (from Debian Web site).
- Documents from the Newbiedoc Project at Sourceforge.
- Other suggestions please?

 ___   Chris Lale   <ctlale@netscape.net>
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