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Re: Building DEB from Source Package

This one time, at band camp, Robert James Kaes said:
> Thanks for the information.  I'll give it a try.  One last question: how
> much space does the chroot environment consume on the hard drive?  Take
> the woody distribution as an example, if you could.
> 	-- Robert

steve@gashuffer:~$ du -H source/pbuilder/woody/
38MB    source/pbuilder/woody/aptcache
173kB   source/pbuilder/woody/result
75MB    source/pbuilder/woody

This is compressed, of course - it unpacks itself during builds, and
repacks at the end of them.  It's a fairly base system, though, so it
doesn't take much space even when unpacked.

Those who can, do; those who can't, simulate.

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