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Re: Exim & global procmailrc

    "Sven" == Sven Burgener <svenb@bluewin.ch> writes:

    Sven> Hello If I set up a global /etc/procmailrc file for using
    Sven> spamassassin, it seems to be ignored (ie, spamassassin
    Sven> doesn't ever get run).

    Sven> So is there any setting that needs to be changed / made to
    Sven> the plain vanilla exim of the testing distribution to allow
    Sven> this?

When I look in my /etc/exim/exim.conf file I do not see any rules to
look at a /etc/procmailrc file at all. The only rule is for looking
for a .procmailrc file in each users directory.

# This director runs procmail for users who have a .procmailrc file

  driver = localuser
  transport = procmail_pipe
  require_files = ${local_part}:+${home}:+${home}/.procmailrc:+/usr/bin/procmail

Perhaps you need to write your own director? 


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