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Re: Mozilla's STOP button needs new brake pads

Hello Chip,

On Oct 24, Chip Rose <ncrose@pinn.net> wrote:

|  I like Mozilla a lot better than Netscape in many ways, but the
|  STOP button leaves a lot to be desired.  When I hit stop, it takes
|  a few extra moments to realize it's supposed to hit the brakes and
|  stop - must need a brake tuneup or new brake pads.  Actually it
|  seems a little sluggish in getting going when I click on a link
|  also - maybe's it's just me...

This is something I've noticed since I started using Netscape in high
school (not so long ago - 7 years), and it seems to have continued
into the present day - I'm not sure what causes it, but it is a great
annoyance, you're right.

Jason Wojciechowski==jwojciechowski@hampshire.edu
GPG key - 0EFB1DFE

"The molars, I'm sure, will be all right, the molars can take care of
themselves," the old man said, no longer to me.  "But what will become 
of the bicuspids?"
		-- The Old Man and his Bridge

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