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Re: muttprint problem: base.def missing

>>>>> "martin" == martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> writes:

martin> what's your setting for the charset? mine is, in fact, auto...

I think I've figured it out.  If your charset is set to auto, it tries
to set the charset based on the mail's charset.  If the mail doesn't
specify a charset, the $charset variable is kept as auto.  Here's the
relevant lines in the script:

        if ($charset eq "auto" and $mail_charset) {
                $charset = get_charset($mail_charset);

($mail_charset is the charset that muttprint finds in the mail, if it
finds one, get_charset returns the charset in a form suitable for

Later on, the script emits this line:


which I guess is where LaTeX seems to barf, since $charset is still set
to auto.

So I guess muttprint needs to guess at a charset when the mail doesn't
specify one.  Is there any reasonable default?  I guess since
get_charset defaults to latin1 if it finds a charset that it doesn't
understand, latin1 would be the most likely default.

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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