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Re: Lighter window managers

For the true minimalist, try ratpoison... I can't use it, but it is
about as light weight as you'll get, I think. It'd be a plus if you use
and love screen, I think :-)


On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 02:43:41PM +1000, Russell wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been using fvwm2, and it has tons of configuration options,
> which i find hard to master.
> What are some good window managers that are even more light weight,
> have less options (simpler to configure), and work well?
> I'm into functionality more than flashness.
> A large desktop that uses the screen as a window onto it would be useful.
> A pop-up menu to select applications, and icons for applications would
> be useful, but i don't mind editing the config file for this capability.
> Is anything extra needed to run a gnome or kde application?
> -- 
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Magnus Therning (magus@lysator.liu.se)

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