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postfix relaying for approved users

So, I now have postfix up and running. Unfortunately, users can only relay mail to those domains that I indicate in main.cf under virtual_domains. Attached it my main.cf file. What do I need to do in order to allow authenticated users to relay to whomever they wish.



# Do not change these directory settings - they are critical to Postfix
# operation.
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
program_directory = /usr/lib/postfix

mail_owner = postfix

smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)
setgid_group = postdrop
biff = no

# appending .domain is the MUA's job.
append_dot_mydomain = no
myhostname = pacifica.vostok1.com
mydomain = vostok1.com
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, ldap:ldapdata
myorigin = /etc/mailname
# mydestination = Pacifica.Vostok1.com, localhost.Vostok1.com, localhost
mydestination = $mydomain, $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
#relayhost =
mynetworks =

local_transport = cyrus
#mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/cyrus/socket/lmtp
mailbox_transport = cyrus

smtpd_client_restrictions = check_relay_domains, reject_unknown_client

mailbox_command =
mailbox_size_limit = 0
recipient_delimiter =
#relayhost =

relay_domains = $mydestination, $virtual_domains
virtual_domains = pacificseabass.com, vostok.pt, npc-usa.com

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