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Rob Clendenin said:
> I currently am usinx XMail as a pop3 and smtp server.  I want to switch
> over to IMAP but so far all my efforts have been thwarted..
> I want to use virtual users and virtual domains so I thought I would use
> a postfix/cyrus/mysql solution..  I have yet to get it working..  I get
> all the packages and install them but can never get the imap client to
> autherize anyone.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? Or know of any good How-To's to get
> this to work?

what were you going to use mysql for?  someone else I know wanted
to do something similar..but he didn't really know why he was trying
it.. You wanting to use mysql for authentication? for data storage?
for email mapping?

I use postfix+cyrus+ldap mainly so I can continue my work on learning
LDAP, I could drop it and not lose any functionality ..(I also
use LDAP for samba-tng, as well as system authentication)

First..to get cyrus to authenticate.. make sure pwcheck is loaded,
I recently finished helping another guy who was having the same sort
of problem(perhaps he is reading this and can share his experiences).
While I have installed cyrus about 15-20 times over the past couple
of years I never had this issue he had(explained somewhat below)

Cyrus requires the pwcheck (/etc/init.d/pwcheck) daemon to run
in order to authenticate. First check to see if it is running:

ps auxw | grep pwcheck | grep -v grep

should print out something similar to:
root     22490  0.0  0.4  5724 4144 ?        S    Oct14   0:23
if not, then start it up:
/etc/init.d/pwcheck start

and check to see if it's running. then if it is, try to login,
if it fails, check to see if pwcheck is running again, if it
is not, then strace the process:

strace /usr/sbin/pwcheck

that will tell you where it is failing, I don't have the other
person's email about his solution but his problem was something
like this:

pwcheck was complaining that /var/run/pwcheck didn't exist
(or maybe it was /var/run/cyrus). And the solution(he found it
in the archives I think was to symlink it to /var/state/pwcheck
(I believe)

if that fixes it, then setup postfix to use cyrus by changing
mailbox_transport in /etc/postfix/main.cf to cyrus.

and you should be able to send email to user@yoursystem.com
and have it delievered to the local user.

to do virtuals, I use the /etc/postfix/virtuals file which
uses the same syntax(from what I see) as sendmail. e.g.

user@mydomain.com           localuser1
@mydomain.com               localuser2


I have not yet figured out virtual hosting w/LDAP on postfix


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