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Re: URL forwarding

Sebastiaan said:
> I think this is easily done with Apache. Does anyone have any hints for
> this problem?

this is easy, it's called virtual hosting

ServerAdmin webmaster@yourdomain
ServerName www.myweb.com
ServerAlias www
DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html

you can also do on the "main" server to redirect requests for ~mypage
to your domain:

RedirectMatch /~myuser(.*)\.*$ http://www.myweb.com

be sure to restart apache after updating the config:

apachectl configtest
(if it checks out then..)
apachectl restart

If you add more then 1 virtual host for each IP on your system you
need to add the directive


above the virst <VirtualHost YOUR_IP_ADDRESS> entry. you only need
1 instance of NameVirtualHost.


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