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SOLVED: Mutt index question; NEW: Imagemagick xwd->jpeg

On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 07:19:02PM -0500, Michael Heironimus wrote:
> According to the mutt FAQ, an asterisk there means that it's a
> "pseudo-thread": the headers didn't say that it was a reply, but mutt
> assumed that they belonged together because the subject lines were the
> same. Usually that's what you want, but you can toggle it on and off
> with the "strict_threads" setting.

Ah, OK.  That makes much more sense, now.  So when there's a star
there, it means that's mutt's best guess as to thread continuity.

> By the way, in the future you might limit your screenshots to the window
> you're referring to, and use a nice browser-friendly format like JPEG.

Eh, I did it while half awake and not thinking.  I also didn't want to
spend the extra time to convert the file, though I should have taken a
windowshot and not a screen shot.  Heh, at least you can see this
little bit of mutt trivia confused the early-morning crowd on
FurryMUCK's unixgeeks shout channel.

> Somebody using dial-up who went to view your screenshot might get quite
> a surprise when they realized they were downloading a file that large. I
> think the "import" program from ImageMagick can automatically make JPEG
> screenshots from the command line.

Interesting...tell me more.


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