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Re: CLASSPATH with j2sdk1.3

On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 06:14:07PM -0400, Matt Price wrote:
> hi everyone,
> just installed j2sdk1.3 from blackdown (ony because I need java for
> another application) -- but nothing's working, because my CLASSPATH
> variable didn't get defined during installation.  Is this normal?  Is
> there a way for me to set it to a standard value (but I'd rather not
> have to do it manually -- I don't understnad java AT ALL)?  Any
> suggestions?

because the CLASSPATH depends on the program which has to be
startet and each program has its own libraries it does not make
sense to set the classpath to a global default value. so not 
setting the classpath to a default is normal.

if you want to set this to a global default value -- i.e. because
all users have to use one and the same version of a lib -- than 
you should consult the login procedure of the shell used. 

> also, I need to seet JAVA_HOME to an appropriate value -- is this
> /usr/share/j2sdk1.3  ?

i dont know the installation of the blackdown package. but setting
the java home to /usr/share/j2sdk1.3/ makes only sense if there is
a bin directory in there. and this should contain the javaX tools.

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