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Re: BS changed to give ^? instead of ^H?

%% Regarding Re: BS changed to give ^? instead of ^H?; you wrote:

  r> There's a detailed explanation of backspace/delete key problems and
  r> fixes in /usr/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz

ITYM /usr/share/doc/..., right? :) :)

Thanks, this is helpful.  It doesn't say exactly how to change it back
but it does give some information on what changed.

For now I guess I'll try "stty erase ^?" in my shell setup and see how
far that gets me to being usable on non-Linux boxes.  If that doesn't
work well enough, I'll work on changing xterm back to the traditional

 Paul D. Smith <pausmith@nortelnetworks.com> HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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