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Re: Windows Domains? (was: getting a 3C905B network card

Erik Price wrote:
Unfortunately, I couldn't access my company email account
from Linux, and using Lynx to access this freebie Yahoo account
work because Lynx doesn't yet support https.

Check out lynx-ssl, or even links-ssl, from the non-US section of Debian.

Because upon restarting the machine and booting back into Win2k, I
discovered that I couldn't even log into the machine!  It turns out
that at my company, the login is controlled by something called a
"domain", which is some kind of network-based authentication system. I
don't really understand it myself.  I ended up having to call tech
support and they managed to help me get it all online, apparently by
forcing the machine to accept DHCP again.

Does anyone know how to get Linux to work cooperatively alongside
MS "domain" business?  In other words, I could boot right back into
Linux and execute "/etc/init.d/networking restart" again,

You shouldn't need to do this; '/etc/init.d/networking start' should be executed at startup.
and be
the web from Linux, but then when I go back to Windows I'm going to
have a problem.

Why do you think this?  Have you tried it?

I don't see how the Windows network settings would affect Linux, or vice versa.

Maybe this is all easier than you think.  :-)

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