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Re: Debian on SunBlade 100? Forget about it.....

On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 17:28, nate wrote:
> Robert Ian Smit said:
> same for one of my freebsd boxes(my living room has 12 computers
> in it, 5 of which are turned off due to heat and/or lack of

My wife would pitch a *FIT* if I did that.  I'm still amazed that
she dated me a 2nd time, considering the stacks of pizza boxen in 
the LR...

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     mailto:ron.l.johnson@cox.net          |
| Jefferson, LA  USA   http://members.cox.net/ron.l.johnson  |
|                                                            |
| "What other evidence do you have that they are terrorists, |
|  other than that they trained in these camps?"             |
|   17-Sep-2002 Katie Couric to an FBI agent regarding the 5 |
|   men arrested near Buffalo NY                             |

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