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Re: help with fonts / openoffice


You are facing 3 problems:

1. M$ quit offering the "corefonts" on their typography site a few weeks ago, hence the "404" error. These fonts are still available elsewhere, but the Woody msttcorefonts package still points towards the M$ site for automatic download. The solution is to grab the msttcorefonts package from eithe "testing" or "unstable" and use that. It has a corrected d/l site.

2. Getting the TrueType fonts recognized by your system. This is beyond the scope of what I can do in a short message, but scanning this list or going to the HOWTO at the Linux Documentation Project will get you started. You don't absolutely HAVE to do this to get to your end-point, but it will make these fonts available to the rest of your apps as well as OO. There is also some good info in your KDE install about "anti-aliasing HOWTO" in /usr/doc/, but this seems a bit dated on my install....

3. Getting OO to recognize these new fonts. The solution here is to do #1, then fire up OO as root and select the pPrinter Administration function. Along the bottom you will see a button labled "Fonts". This will bring up a screen where you can add system fonts. You will have to "browse" the system to find where they are stored, but /usr/share/fonts/ is a good place to start. My experience had been that you will only be able to install type1 and truetype fonts. You might also want to look in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. Experiment...

-Don Spoon-

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