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Re: portable .fetchmailrc

also sprach csj <csj@mindgate.net> [2002.09.25.1954 +0200]:
> Since I'm going to change my $USERNAME, I'm thinking of rewriting my
> ..fetchmailrc so it will survive the transition. Given a .fetchmailrc
> line consisting of:
>   user 'foo' there with password 'whocares' is 'bar' here
> is there a way to achieve the equivalent of:
>   user 'foo' there with password 'whocares' is $USERNAME here
>   user 'foo' there with password 'whocares' is `whoami` here

fetchmail uses the name of the user who invoked fetchmail if "is ...
here" is not specified. just leave it out.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"imagine if every thursday your shoes exploded if you
 tied them the usual way. this happens to us all the time
 with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
                                                        -- jeff raskin

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