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Re: security.debian.org in /etc/apt/source.list

> If I'm running Debian testing, and if security updates aren't really
> applicable to a testing/unstable system, then is there any point in
> having
> deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free deb

no, since 'stable' and 'testing' are different trees. for a short
time debian did maintain a 'testing' security update site at
security.debian.org (I think it started after the semi-recent SSH stuff
that came out), but I don't know if they still are doing it(I would expect
them to not be doing it).

so, because of this, testing can be considered the least secure distribution
of debian(of course many security problems have workarounds that don't
require patches). So I, at least would not run it on a system with
untrusted users that can login to it.

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