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Re: dpkg-buildpackage & mini-dinstall questions

On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 05:35:44PM +0200, Martin Man wrote:
>     [ please CC me on the replies, I'm unable to follow the traffic :-) ]

(debian-mentors might be better.)

> I've packaged one of my libraries, the result is xxx1, xxx-dev, xxx-doc, so
> far no problems with building, etc.
> I'm compiling my package for different distributions (stable, testing,
> unstable) and installing them via dput to my local repository which is managed
> with mini-dinstall...
> I have one "usability" questions
> 1) how do I build for stable/testing distribution?
>    mini-dinstall installs the package to the hierarchy according to
>    "Distribution:" field in .changes file, I can override Distribution field
>    by passing -DDistribution=stable to dpkg-genchanges, 
>    but I see no way of passing this option to dpkg-buildpackage in order to
>    automate the process, shoud I run dpkg-genchanges by hand ??

You could always update debian/changelog just before building for each
distribution. That strikes me as the easiest way. While you're at it,
you might want to consider whether you want each build of your package
to have a different version number (e.g. -0.stable.1 for stable,
-0.testing.1 for testing, -1 for unstable), which I think would be

Do you really need all the different builds, by the way? I can see why
you might want the infrastructure for them now and then, but usually
only the lowest common denominator is necessary.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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