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merging two ps files

hi, i am trying to print two separate 1-page ps files so that they
appear both at 50% side-by-side on one page.

  just concatenating the files doesn't work
    cat file1.ps file2.ps | a2ps -o- | gv -
  only displays the first page. the "insert 'false 0 startjob pop'
  between the files in the concatenation" variation didn't work

  psmerge from the psutils package, when invoked like so:
    psmerge -o- file1.ps file2.ps | a2ps -o- | gv -
  results in an empty page.

  the method at http://ktmatu.com/info/merge-pdf-files/ works, but
  it's cumbersome[1].

any clues on how i can do this for a bulk operation?

  [1] actually, it's interesting because it links the original files,
  rendering it into a general purpose program almost if you could
  somehow pass the two parameters of the to-be-linked file in with the
  command invocation. is this possible somehow?
martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"i have smoked pot. it is a stupid business, like masturbation."
                                                 -- thomas pynchon (v)

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