Re: Fvwm configuration
>>"Glyn" == Glyn Millington <> writes:
Glyn> I want to do this in the Debain way though - What I cannot completely
Glyn> grasp is the Debian way with fvwm, where most of the user configuration
Glyn> is done in "hook" files called from the system .fvwm2rc file. I'm not
Glyn> clear what should go into which hook file - and yes I have read the docs
Glyn> but am just dim :-(
Glyn> Can anyone point me to a full sample configuration ? Or maybe share
Glyn> their own ?
You do not have to use the system .fvwm2rc file. Here is my
setup (It is my
complete X setup, of which fvwm is a part). I essentially create my
own .fvwmrc file, and load system bits as I see fit.
And I will do all these good works, and I will do them for free! My
only reward will be a tombstone that says "Here lies Gomez Addams --
he was good for nothing." Jack Sharkey, The Addams Family
Manoj Srivastava <> <>
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