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Re: How to make kernel-modules-<version>.deb?

Manoj Srivastava wrote:


"Eric" == Eric Richardson <eric.richardson@milagrosoft.com> writes:

 Eric> I've been able to to use make-kpkg kernel-image to create a custom
 Eric> kernel .deb file from a kernel source package. All the modules are
 Eric> compiled and I tried make-kpkg modules-image but no deb file gets
 Eric> created. How do I create the modules deb file?

	What moduls.deb file? Do you have stand alone modules packages
 installed? Which modules packages are these? The modules you
 designated that come with the kernel are part of the kernel imagfe
 deb itself.

Hi Manoj,

I guess I'm totally confused. When I upgraded to 2.4.18, I had to install the kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18 so I guess I'm thinking of this.

So let me see if I got this correct. Installing the kernel-image I created will install the modules compiled in /lib/modules/<version>. This of course are not the modules I chose to compile into the kernel.

Also, not sure why I get what seems to be an error when I do a make-kpkg

modules_image. See end of message. What is that command suppose to do? How do I include the pcmcia modules or is this a seperate think I need to make a deb for?

I also downloaded the src deb as a control and got nowhere trying to make-kpkg on it but perhaps that a seperate issue.

 Eric> On a related note, does the kernel installer create the initrd.img?
 Eric> preinst or postinst or ?

	If you have installed the cramfs patch (comes with debian
 kernel sources), and passed the initrd option to make-kpkg, yes.

Thanks. I think it must do it automatically as a see no option in man make-kpkg.

Thanks for the help,

Error? console output outputs the source of make-kpkg. Note that for the 'for module in ;' statement the list is blank.

wiley:/home/eric/tslinux-3-0-x86/src/kernel# make-kpkg
-rev k6.1 modules_image
for module in  ; do                        \
          if test -d  $module; then
    (cd $module;
              if ./debian/rules
KSRC="/home/eric/tslinux-3-0-x86/src/kernel" \
                             KMAINT="Unknown Kernel
Package Maintainer"
KEMAIL="unknown@unconfigured.in.etc.kernel-pkg.conf" \
                             KDREV="k6.N" kdist; then
                  echo "Module $module processed
fine";            \
                   echo "Module $module failed.";
                   echo "Hit return to Continue?";
       read ans;                                        \

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