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Re: Printing problems....help???

Matthew Claridge wrote:
Its funny you should say that because when printtool tries to autodetect a printer, it says I don't have parallel port modules loaded.....

the output of lsmod looks like this:

# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: PF
Mvnetd                  9808   1  (unused)
Mvnet                  54998   0  [Mvnetd]
Mvnetint                 320   0  (unused)
Mvw                     4724   0  (unused)
Mvmouse                  872   0  (unused)
Mvkbd                    984   0  (unused)
Mvgic                   3296   0  (unused)
Mvdsp                   1064   0  (unused)
Mserial                 6628   0  (unused)
Mmpip                   7172   0  (unused)
Mmerge 134264 0 [Mvnetd Mvnet Mvw Mvmouse Mvkbd Mvgic Mvdsp Mserial Mmpip] mki-adapter 19344 0 [Mvnetd Mvnet Mvnetint Mvw Mvmouse Mvkbd Mvgic Mvdsp Mserial Mmpip Mmerge]
emu10k1                55680   1
ac97_codec              9568   0  [emu10k1]
sb_lib                 32256   0  (unused)
uart401                 6016   0  [sb_lib]
sound                  52876   0  [emu10k1 sb_lib uart401]
soundcore               3236   7  [emu10k1 sb_lib sound]
tulip                  37152   1
keybdev                 1664   0  (unused)
usbkbd                  2816   0  (unused)
input                   3072   0  [keybdev usbkbd]
usb-ohci               17472   0  (unused)
usbcore                48032   1  [usbkbd usb-ohci]

Now I know there's no parport modules listed, but when I run modconf, the parport and parport-pc ARE selected....I've even tried deselecting them, rebooting and then reselecting them and rebooting again, but lsmod still doesn't list anything.....

maybe I broke something???

In my list of modules, I have the following loaded:


Since I don't see any of those in your 'lsmod" results, I would say your printer port is not being initialized on boot-up. As a test, try to load each of these modules with "modprobe" and check if your printer works after loading them. If it "fixes" the problem, I would advise adding them to /etc/modules with any old text editor.

I have had spotty luck using modconf here. Sometimes it works fine, other times it doesn't seem to insert the proper modules. I run the 2.4.18 kernel here with a mix of "testing" and "unstable' packages, and I think my problem is probably in the "mix" that I have. Dunno about your setup, but you might be seeing the same things. I have found the above steps seem to be the most reliable way to get the proper modules loaded for me...

-Don Spoon-

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