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Re: unstable, just how unstable is it

At 07:56 PM 8/28/2002 -0700, Charles Baker wrote:
I'm seeing some packages in unstable that I would
really like, for instance tomcat 4.1.9. But I'm
wondering just how unstable is unstable, say on a
scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being you must be insane.

Change your /etc/apt/sources.list file to point to "unstable", 'run apt-get update', and then try 'apt-get install tomcat'. At this point, it will prompt you for any additional packages you might need. Based on this list, you can decide whether or not to take the chance... If it requires nothing extra, hit "Y". If it requires many, many major packages along with it, think wisely. :-)

According to this page, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/tomcat4.html, it doesn't require anything drastically out of the ordinary. What versions of sysvinit and adduser do you currently have from stable ??


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