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postfix: multiple content_filters

let me ask the postfix gurus a question about content fitering.
postfix provides two methods of content filtering: smtp and pipe.

the first is configured like so:

  content_filter = smtp:localhost:10024

where at port 10024 there is another SMTP daemon listening, which
processes the message (e.g. virus scans it) and then sends it back to
e.g. smtp:localhost:10025, where there's an smtpd instance with
-o 'content_filter=' defined to handle the final delivery of the

the pipe method employs a line like

  vscan unix - n n - 10 pipe flags=q user=amavis argv=/usr/sbin/amavis

in postfix' master.cf file, thereby defining a new "transport" that
can be incorporated as a content_filter by setting

  content_filter = vscan

my question is:

with content filters that speak SMTP, it's not a problem to define an
SMTP chaining e.g.

  postfix @ localhost:25           hands message over to
  amavis @ localhost:10023         after processing hands message over to
  spamassassin @ localhost:10024   after processing hands message over to
  postfix @ localhost:10025        which processes for final delivery

is it possible to do this with pipe content_filters? i am envisioning

  content_filter = vscan, antispam

where antispam is a pipe handing off to spamassassin.

when i try this, however, the logs bitch this:

  postfix/qmgr: warning: connect to transport vscan, antispam: \
    No such file or directory

how to go from here?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
micr$soft is not the answer -- micro$oft is the question.
no is the answer.

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