486 Potato to Woody upgrade (was Unidentified subject!)
On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 12:04:16 -0700 (PDT)
GERALD SPENCE <gaspence@snet.net> wrote:
> Is there a way to upgrade from 2.2.19 potato to 3.0 woody via floppy?
> There are some applications such as postgresql that have depends that
> aren't accepted by 2.2.19 "libdb33.2.9". This is going on a 486x66
> laptop. I tried to load 3.0 on via floppy but with 12m ram it would
> probably take 2 days if it finished at all. Any help is appreciated.
Does the little puppy have:
- a NIC or other internet connection?
- a cd-rom drive?
As for the load of woody, it would only take a few hours. If my 486SX25
can do it, that thing should be able to.
Jamin W. Collins
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