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Re: slow wu-ftpd connection

On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 01:49:47PM -0400, R'twick Niceorgaw wrote:
> I have installed wu-ftpd but it takes some time before giving the username
> prompt. No problem when I access it via localhost. I believe it is happening
> due to reverse dns lookup. How do I disable it?

One of the great things about Debian is the consistency.  The wu-ftpd
config file is almost certainly /etc/wu-ftpd.conf or else in
/etc/wu-ftpd/.  Also, the files in /usr/share/doc/wu-ftpd/ will almost
certainly tell you how to do this.


p.s. Please don't just reply to an existing message on the list, it
attaches you to the bottom of a thread, rather than starting your own,
decreasing the chances that people will see your message and be able to
help you.  Send a new message to debian-user@lists.debian.org instead.

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