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Re: Mounting a fs image from fstab?

On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 06:17:39PM -0400, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> I am back in school, again, to get a CS degree.  I will be taking an
> "Operating Systems" class next semester.  From what I have heard, they
> teach this class without ever actually looking at an operating system. 
> (Yes, that is very odd, strange, bizarre, stupid, etc.)  The catalog
> says that they will use an actual operating system, UNIX, time and
> software permitting.  The instructor HATES M$, but uses nothing but M$
> products.  AAARGH!  I thought that if I could provide him with a minimal
> Linux system (a 1.44M floppy) that maybe it could somehow be
> incorporated into the class.  

Have a look at knoppix:

It's not a floppy, but a CD. But (allegedly) it does not require any
harddisk installation.

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
Between infinite and short there is a big difference.
		-- G.H. Gonnet

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