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stand alone gnome

how do i use startx (or something like it) to start gnome? 

on debian 3.0 (linux 2.4) (fairly fresh install... going on day 2 now)

gnome (started by gdm) and kde (started by startx) just fine.  i have 
disabled gdm since i don't want the gui login.
(by 'mv /etc/rc2.d/S99gdm /etc/rc2.d/no_s99gdm')

according to the gnome.org faq and irc.debian.org/#debian
i should make an executable ~/.xsession with the line 'exec 
it fails to run.  
without .xsession, kde works fine.  

using 'update-alternatives --config x-session-manager' switched the default 
to gnome, and it fails to start with the error 'Server is already active for 
display 0'

killall X -> no processes to be killed
rm /tmp/.X0-lock -> no file

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