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Re: Slightly OT: Seeking Users group &/or templates for OpenOffice

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 10:32:22AM -0500, John Foster wrote:
> So my next question is, do you have any tips,
> advice, or suggestions regarding using these templates in the Debian
> port of OOo?

No sorry, I haven't investigated this at all yet.

> Also please indicate if I can use templates from Star
> office also. 

I think, yes, although I don't know what licensing issues there are.

> It seems to me that these should be installed in the
> /home/user/OpenOffice.org1.0.1 directory. ot the .openoffice directory.
> I failed to locate any means to import these from within OOo. Thanks for
> the help.

Tools->Options->Openoffice.org->Paths->Templates shows

  <user installation>/user/template/

Assuming you didn't change the user install directory, that would mean your
user template directory is ~/.openoffice/1.0.1/user/template.  Did you try
dropping the files in there?  Alternatively, add a path to the directory
where you put the templates.

(I haven't tried this out - I'm just guessing from what I see in the options


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