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Re: should . be followed by doublespace?

Craig Dickson <crdic@pacbell.net> writes:

> One remaining problem is that email is just ASCII codes with no
> indication of what font should be used. Since MS Outhouse defaults to
> using a proportional font even for non-HTML mail, I'm not sure that one
> could still reasonably argue that "most" people view mail with a
> monospaced font.

A few objections:

* As you note, on this list you could reasonably argue that most
  people view mail with a monospaced fonts.

* Unless a mailer is reflowing text, displaying text in proportional
  face is going to screw up line widths.  If you're reflowing stuff
  other than format=flowed, you're going to screw up mail.  Either
  way, programs that do this clearly don't care about readability.

> Another interesting point of reference is the standard behavior of HTML
> rendering

Are there any HTML renderers with non-crappy layout engines?

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
Computer, state the nature of the universe.

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