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Re: [DEB-USER] Re: [DEB-USER] Re: *** I BADLY WANT OUT !!!!!!!!!*** (unsubscribe)

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Paul M Foster wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 10:39:59AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> <snip>
> > I was under the quite strong impression that the Debian mailing lists
> > ran on smartlist. Certainly, when I subscribed to a couple of lists
> > recently, I used the subject line and the only thing in the message body
> > was my .signature.
> > 
> That could be. However, here's why I think it's running on Majordomo:
> I sent a message to majordomo@lists.debian.org, and in the body, I put:
> which paulf@quillandmouse.com
> end
> This is standard majordomo-ese for "tell me which lists I'm subscribed
> to." The response was as expected by return email. So I can only assume
> that majordomo was involved, or that whatever is being used has been
> hacked to appear and act as majordomo.

lists.debian.org probably has a 'majordomo' alias pointing to its real
maillist software.  This list doesn't otherwise behave like Majordomo,
which doesn't use the "Resent-From" mechanism used by this list.

Besides, 'unsubscribe' in the Subject line _does_ work on this list, and
Majordomo ignores the Subject line when it's in command-processing mode,
so 'unsubscribe' in the body may or may not work.

I just sent an email to listserv@lists.debian.org, to see if there was an
alias serving that address too, and got this interesting information in
the error message which came in reply:

The Debian list server runs SmartList, thus there's no majordomo or
listserve here. If you wish to unsubscribe, send the word "unsubscribe",
(without the quotes) to <listname>-REQUEST@lists.debian.org, where
list-name is the list you are subscribed to. You can also send "subscribe"
or "help" to that address.

So I guess that settles that!


Patrick Wiseman
Linux user #17943

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