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woody magicfilter broke printing

Hello all,

	I had a wonderfully working lpd environment before a recent
upgrade from potato to woody.  magicfilter was happily filtering just
about anything I threw at the queue.
	Now, magicfilter is printing PostScript as text, and it's not
even adding linefeeds.

	I have a remote printer, laser4s, whose print server runs lpd.
I had setup lpd to print to the server's raw data queue after
processing the input via gs.  I tried using my previously solid
configuration, as well as using magicfilterconfig again to generate a
new one.  I also tried installing apsfilter (what I use at home on my
Slackware boxes), but again, broken.

	I've tried doing "apt-get -t potato install magicfilter", but it
still seems to install the version out of woody.  Or perhaps they're the
same and something else is busted?

Thanks in advance,

Ross Vandegrift

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