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Re: iptables

>>>>> "Rodney" == Rodney Green <rgreen@trayerproducts.com> writes:

>> What kernel version are you using?  You need at least a 2.4 kernel
>> with iptables enabled.

Rodney> I did not first look at the kernel version. I assumed
Rodney> incorrectly that I was running a 2.4 kernel.  The kernel version
Rodney> I have is 2.2.20. I hope it's easier to build and add a new
Rodney> kernel on Debian than it is to do the same on Slackware. I had
Rodney> loads of probs doing it on slack.  Any advice on doing this is
Rodney> welcome.

There are some pre-built 2.4 kernels in woody.
"apt-cache search kernel-image", then "apt-get install" the appropriate
package (along with whatever module packages you need), it should re-run
LILO for you, then reboot, and you should have the new kernel running.

If you want to build your own, look at the kernel-package package.  It
makes building kernels much easier.  You should look through the
documentation to find out what it can do, but the general method for
building kernels is:

1. un-tar the kernel sources (either d/l'ed from kernel.org, or from the
   appropriate kernel-source-* package.  The only difference between the
   two should be fairly minor bugfixes in the kernel-source-* package).
2. configure your kernel (make menuconfig or xconfig or whatever you
3. run "make-kpkg kernel-image" as root, or under fakeroot (requires the
   fakeroot package).
[hours later...]
4. install (dpkg -i) the .deb file that gets produced (which will run
   LILO for you, so that you don't forget)
5. reboot

There are variations for if you need to apply patches, or compile
external modules, etc. all explained in the documentation.

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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